NSF/CBMS Regional Conference in the Mathematical Sciences

Ergodic Theory, Groups, and Geometry

University of Minnesota, Minneapolis

June 22 ­ 26, 1998

Summary Description

Professor Robert J. Zimmer of the University of Chicago will present a series of ten expository lectures on "Ergodic theory, groups, and geometry" at the Minneapolis campus of the University of Minnesota. Much information of geometric or topological interest can be obtained by applying measure theoretic techniques to the study of group actions on manifolds. The speaker has played a leading role in the development of this subject, and in many of the significant recent results.

The lectures will provide an introduction to the main techniques of the field, and survey the major recent developments and open problems. Only a few other lectures will be scheduled, in order to leave plenty of time for informal discussions among the conference participants.

A major goal of the conference will be to support and encourage mathematicians interested in entering the field, including postdocs, graduate students, and researchers in related areas, such as ergodic theory, differential geometry, number theory, and group representation theory. Women, minorities, and persons with disabilities are especially encouraged to apply.

Financial support for air travel, housing, and local expenses will be provided to many of the participants. The deadline to apply for financial support will be February 28.

For more information, contact one of the conference organizers:

(Last updated: February 4)

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