Covers Precalculus Sample Quiz Number 0, Math 1251, Scot Adams, Fall 1998 No calculators. 50 minutes. Every problem is worth one point. Answers: ACD*CAGA DDTE**FCE ETFEBDFFE EEAA %***************** 1. What is the slope of the line through (2,8) and (5,2)? (A) -2 (B) -1 (C) 0 (D) 1 (E) 2 (F) -1/2 (G) 1 (H) 1/2 (I) none of these %section precalc %***************** 2. What is the equation of the line through (-1,4) with slope -2? (A) x+1=-2(y-4) (B) y+1=-2(x-4) (C) y-4=-2(x+1) (D) x-4=-2(y+1) %section precalc %***************** 3. What is the function which corresponds to the expression 3x^3-5x? (Note: \cdot means a centered dot.) (A) 3t^3-5t (B) 3(\cdot)^3-5 (C) 3(8^3)-5(8) (D) 3(\cdot)^3-5(\cdot) (E) none of these %section precalc %***************** 4. Compute (d/dx)(3x^8-7x+4). %section 2.2 Differentiation formulas %***************** 5. Which of the following expressions of x is a polynomial in x? (A) 5x^2+3x-1 \over 3x+3 (B) x^2\sin x+4 (C) (\sin 7)x^3+8x^2-1 (D) e^{x^2+x+1} (E) none of a,b,c,d are right (F) all of a,b,c,d are right %section precalc %***************** 6. If I have not done so already, please remind me to put a graph of a function f on the board. Using this graph, compute f(2). (A) 1 (B) 2 (C) 3 (D) 4 (E) 5 %section precalc %***************** 7. Find the x-intercept of the line through (2,5) with slope 1. (A) 4 (B) -4 (C) 2 (D) -2 (E) 5 (F) -5 (G) none of these %section precalc %***************** 8. Which of the following is a closed interval? (A) [0,1] (B) [-1,2) (C) (2,4) (D) (5,15) (E) none of these %section precalc %***************** 9. What is the degree of x^3+x^4+10x^5? (A) 3 (B) 4 (C) 1 (D) 5 (E) 10 (F) none of these %section precalc %***************** 10. Which of the following is a transcendental function? (A) 3x^4+5x-5 (B) \sin 15 (C) 2x+4 \over 5x-1 (D) none of these %section precalc %***************** 11. True or False: Every constant is a rational function. (T) True (F) False %section precalc %***************** 12. A rod is growing in length. At time t seconds, its length is t^3 meters. Find the average rate of growth (in meters per second) between time t=1 and time t=3. (A) 3^3-1 (B) 3-1 (C) (3-1)/(3^3-1^3) (D) (3^3-3)/(1^3-1) (E) (3^3-1^3)/(3-1) (F) (1^3-1)/(3^3-3) %section precalc %***************** 13. Compute (d/dx)(\tan(8x^2)). %section 2.2 Differentiation formulas %***************** 14. Compute (d/dx)((\tan x)\sqrt{x}). %section 2.2 Differentiation formulas %***************** 15. True or False: Any polynomial function is a constant function. (T) True (F) False %section precalc %***************** 16. What is the slope of the line y-15=4(x-3) (A) 0 (B) 3 (C) 4 (D) 15 (E) none of these %section precalc %***************** 17. What is the slope of the line y=5x-4 (A) -4 (B) 0 (C) 3 (D) 4 (E) none of these %section precalc %***************** 18. Which of the following is a compact interval? (A) [2,\infty) (B) (-\infty,\infty) (C) [1,4) (D) (1,8) (E) [1,8] (F) all of the above (G) none of these %section precalc %***************** 19. True or False: The domain of any polynomial is (-\infty,\infty). (T) True (F) False %section precalc %***************** 20. True or False: The domain of any rational function is (-\infty,\infty). (T) True (F) False %section precalc %***************** 21. What is the range of f(x)=x^2? (A) (-\infty,\infty) (B) (-\infty,0) (C) (0,\infty) (D) (-\infty,0] (E) [0,\infty) (F) (-\infty,\infty)\backslash\{0\} (G) none of these %section precalc %***************** 22. Which of the following is a linear combination of \sin t and \cos t? (A) t\sin t+8\cos t (B) (\sin 4)(\sin t)-\pi(\cos t) (C) 1+t+t^2 (D) none of these %section precalc %***************** 23. Which of these is the equation of the line through (2,4) with slope -6? (A) y-2=6(x-4) (B) y-6=2(x-4) (C) y-4=2(x-6) (D) none of these %section precalc %***************** 24. What is the domain of f(x)=\sqrt{x-3}? (A) (-\infty,\infty) (B) [0,\infty) (C) (0,\infty) (D) (-\infty,0] (E) (-\infty,0) (F) [3,\infty) (G) (3,\infty) (H) (-\infty,3] (I) (-\infty,3) (J) [-3,\infty) (K) (-3,\infty) (L) (-\infty,-3] (M) (-\infty,-3) (N) none of these %section precalc %***************** 25. True or False: For all a,b\in(-\infty,\infty), we have (a+b)^2=a^2+b^2. (T) True (F) False %section precalc %***************** 26. Which of these is equal to a^{-1/5}? (A) a^5\qquad (B) 1/a^5\qquad (C) 1/\sqrt{a}\qquad (D) 1/a^{-5}\qquad (E) none of these %section precalc %***************** 27. Rationalize the denominator in the expression 3-x \over \sqrt{2+x}-\sqrt{x}}. (A) 3-x \over \sqrt{(2+x)-x} (B) 3-x \over (2+x)-x (C) (3-x)[(2+x)-x] \over (2+x)-x (D) (3-x)(\sqrt{2+x}-\sqrt{x}) \over (2+x)-x (E) (3-x)(\sqrt{2+x}+\sqrt{x}) \over (2+x)-x (F) none of these %section precalc %***************** 28. Which of these is equal to \sqrt{a+b} (A) \sqrt{a}+\sqrt{b} (B) (a+b)^2 (C) 1 \over (a+b)^2 (D) (a+b)^{-1/2} (E) (a+b)^{1/2} (F) none of these %section precalc %***************** 29. Which if these is equal to \csc x? (A) 1 \over \sin x (B) 1 \over \cos x (C) \sin x \over \cos x (D) \cos x \over \sin x (E) \sin^2x+\cos^2x (F) \tan^2x+\cot^2x (G) \sec^2x+\csc^2x (H) none of these %section precalc %***************** 30. Find the intervals of negativity of f(x)={(x+1)^2(x-2)(x-3) \over (x+3)(x+4)^3}. (A) (-4,-3) and (2,3) (B) (-\infty,-4) and (-3,2) and (3,\infty) (C) (-\infty,-4) and (-3,-1) and (-1,2) and (3,\infty) (D) (-\infty,-1) and (2,3) (E) (-3,2) (F) (-3,-1) and (-1,2) (G) (-\infty,\infty) (H) none of these %section precalc END OF TEST