MATH 8446   Spring 2018 Lecture Schedule

No. Date Topics
1 1/17 Finite differences for the heat equation; analysis of the forward difference method; conditional stability
2 1/19 Backward differences for the heat equation; Crank-Nicolson
3 1/22 Fourier (von Neumann) analysis for the heat equation; the advection equation and finite differences for it; CFL condition
4 1/24 Fourier analysis for the advection equation; the Lax-Friedrichs method; introduction to finite elements for the heat equation
5 1/26 Convergence of semidiscrete FEM for the heat equation; convergence of the full discrete method with backward differences; the elliptic projection
6 1/29 The biharmonic and the thin plate equation; variational forms; boundary conditions
7 1/31 C1 elements; the Hermite quintic (Argyris) element; approximation theory by Bramble-Hilbert, dilation, and compactness
8 2/2 The Hsieh-Clough-Tocher composite element
9 2/5 Nonconforming finite elements for the Poisson equation; the Crouzeix-Raviart element; consistency error
10 2/7 Error analysis for the Crouzeix-Raviart element in H1 and L2
11 2/9 Nonconforming H1 elements of higher degree and in 3D; the Morley element
12 2/12 Convergence theory for the Morley element
13 2/14 Mixed formulation of the Poisson equation; weak formulation, variational formulation, complementary energy and Lagrange multipliers
14 2/16 Mixed formulation: boundary conditions, variable coefficients, lower order term; numerical experiments for FE Galerkin methods
15 2/19 Numerical study of different finite element spaces for the mixed Poisson equation
16 2/21 Duality in Hilbert spaces
17 2/23 Closed Range theorem; Brezzi's theorem
18 2/26 Stability of mixed Galerkin methods; example: mixed finite elements in 1D
19 2/28 The lowest order Raviart-Thomas elements
20 3/2 Error estimates for Raviart-Thomas elements
21 3/7 Midterm
22 3/9 Higher order Raviart-Thomas elements
23 3/19 Duality estimates for the Raviart-Thomas elements; BDM elements
24 3/21 Finite elements for the Stokes equations; Fortin operators; stability of the P2-P0 Stokes element
25 3/23 Computational simulations of Stokes and Navier-Stokes flow
26 3/26 The mini element for Stokes; other stable Stokes elements in 2D and 3D
27 3/28 Introduction to Finite Element Exterior Calculus (FEEC)
28 3/30 Homological algebra: chain complexes, homology, the simplicial chain complex of a simplicial complex
29 4/2 Homological algebra: chain maps, cochain complexes, the simplicial cochain complex
30 4/4 The de Rham complex, de Rham's theorem
31 4/6 Unbounded operators in Hilbert space
32 4/9 Hilbert complexes, dual complex, harmonic forms, Hodge decomposition
33 4/11 Poincaré's inequality; the abstract Hodge Laplacian
34 4/13 Equivalence of formulations of Hodge Laplacian; well-posedness
35 4/16 The Hodge Laplacian on a 3D domain; boundary conditions
36 4/20 Galerkin methods for the Hodge Laplacian; problems with the primal formulation; subcomplex property and bounded cochain projections
37 4/23 Preservation of cohomology; the discrete Poincaré inequality; stability and convergence for the mixed Galerkin method
38 4/25 Exterior algebra
39 4/26 Exterior calculus: the exterior derivative
40 4/27 Integration of differential forms, Stokes theorem; the L2 theory of differential forms
41 4/30 Shape functions for finite element differential forms, the polynomial de Rham complex
42 5/2 The Koszul complex, the homotopy formula, trimmed polynomial spaces
43 5/3 Finite element differential forms: degrees of freedom and unisolvence; finite element de Rham subcomplexes; commutativity of the canonical projection
44 5/4 Mixed finite elements for the Hodge Laplacian; the Whitney forms and a proof of de Rham's theorm