Math 5588      Elementary Partial Differential Equations       Spring, 2008

Professor Peter J. Olver
School of Mathematics
Institute of Technology
University of Minnesota
Minneapolis, MN 55455
Vincent Hall 540
Phone: 612-624-5534
Fax: 612-626-2017
Lectures:    T, Th 4:45-6:00pm    Vincent Hall 213
Office Hours:   T 1:30-2:30, Th 10:00-11:00, or by appointment

Course Description:   Math 5587-8 is a year course that introduces the basics of partial differential equations, guided by applications in physics and engineering.

Prerequisites: Math 5587 or equivalent. Basic familiarity with a programming language (Matlab or Mathematica preferrred) is required for numerical work.

Text:      The course will be based on the professor's typed lecture notes, which are available online and at Alpha Print, 1407 4th St. SE, in Dinkytown, 612-379-8535.    I intend to cover chapters 7-11 and, time permitting, 12 in the spring semester.

Supplementary Texts:


Homework:   Assignments will be handed out in class and are also available on this web page.

Exams:   There will be one midterm and a final exam. Make-up exams will only be given in exceptional circumstances, and then only when notice is given to me in advance with a suitable written excuse.

Incompletes:   Only given in extreme circumstances, and only when the student has satisfactorily completed all but a small portion of the work in the course. Students must make prior arrangements with the professor well before the end of the quarter.

Grading Standards and Student Conduct:   Students are expected to be familiar with University of Minnesota policies on grading standards and student conduct, including the consequences for students who violate standards of academic honesty.