Surface for 5.6 #16

This page includes a java application which will let you view and rotate the surface for exercise #16 in section 5.6. Note that the "cube" has six sides. Yes, I'm afraid you have to do all of them. But you'll probably never have to do a whole cube like this again.

On each side of the cube, you have to use the outward pointing normal vector. I've including those in the drawing.

Hint: There are a couple of ways to speed this problem up. Here's my advice: choose simple a parametrization for each side. If you make it simple enough, the cross product of the partials will be a unit vector in the x, y, or z direction. (In other words, i, j, or k.) That will make your life easier.

Click on the picture below to begin. You can rotate the object by clicking and dragging your mouse. You can zoom in and out if you click, hold down the shift key, and move the mouse up and down. (In some browsers it's a bit different; hold the shift key down, click the mouse button, and then move the mouse.)

Created using Live Graphics 3D.

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