Using the Math 8001 Webpage For Your Own Courses -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Math 8001 course webpage is a very simple HTML document that you can copy and use as a template for your own course pages. Once you get more experience designing web pages you'll likely want to have a page which looks nicer, includes a few images, and so on. But you should always keep in mind that the main purpose of a course website is to impart information to your students. A simple, barebones webpage will do that just as effectively as a beautiful, professionally designed site. The simplest way to copy the page is to view it in a web browser on one of the department's linux machines. Then use the File > Save menu option to save the file with the appropriate name (e.g. "math1271-f12.html") in the "www" folder in our home directory. Alternatively, you could find the menu option in your browser to view the page's source code, copy the code, and use a text editor to paste it into a file in the ~/www directory. (~ is shorthand for your home directory on the department's linux systems.) Next, while still logged into a linux system, open a terminal so you can type commands at a prompt. Start by entering "cd ~/www" (without the quotes) to switch to the www directory. You can now type "gedit file.shtml" to edit the file; replace "file.shtml" with your filename. You can use any other text editor in place of "gedit" if you prefer. Even if you don't know HTML, you can find the relevant bits of text (like the course name, instructor, etc.) and edit them as needed. If you want to post a pdf for your course, copy it into the same directory as the .html file. The link is inserted with the "" tag: Text of the Link See the Math 8001 page for examples.