Math 8212: Commutative and Homological Algebra II


Spring 2020

CLASS MEETINGS: MWF 10:10-11:00 (Vincent Hall 213)

INSTRUCTOR: Sasha Voronov

OFFICE: VinH 324

PHONE: (612) 624-0355

E-MAIL ADDRESS: You are welcome to use e-mail to send questions to me.

INTERNET: All class announcements and assignments will be posted on the class homepage and NOT handed out in class.

OFFICE HOURS (tentative): Mon 3:35-4:25, Wed 12:20-1:10, Thu 2:30-3:20, or by appointment.

TEXT:  Commutative and Homological Algebra with a View Toward Algebraic Geometry, 1st edition, corrected 3rd printing of 1999-2004 (preferably), by David Eisenbud (available for purchase at the bookstore and on the Internet; also on reserve in the Math Library).

CONTENT: In the Spring, my goal is to cover most of the "second half" of Eisenbud's book. This includes homological algebra with spectral sequences (Appendix 3 of Eisenbud), dimension theory, Gröbner bases and free resolutions, and some homological commutative algebra (Part III of Eisenbud).

PREREQUISITES: Math 8211: Commutative and Homological Algebra (1st semester). This includes localization, associated primes and primary decomposition, integral dependence, the Nullstellensatz, filtrations, flatness, completions and Hensel's lemma, direct and inverse limits, homology and homotopy of complexes, injective and projective modules and resolutions. See for more detail.


REQUIREMENTS: : There will be homeworks due every other week, but no exams.

GRADING: Based on your homework. Class participation may be taken into account. Grades will be assigned on a curve. I expect you to put enough hard work to earn grades not lower than a B. The curve does not exclude the possibility of everybody getting A's, though, but this happens rather rarely.


January 22 : First class meeting.

January 31: First homework due.

March 9-13: Spring Break.

May 4: Last class meeting.

Page created on 1/16/2020.