Math 8270: Class Outlines, Fall 2016

o 12/9/16: The supermoduli space: the Mumford and super Mumford isomorphisms. The Grothendieck-Riemann-Roch Theorem. The Belavin-Polyakov theorem on the relation of the Polyakov measure to the Mumford form. Thank you very much for being dedicated auditors! [Class notes; Donagi and Witten, Supermoduli space is not projected: Section 3.2 (pages 25-26)]

o 12/7/16: The supermoduli space: the local structure, the tangent space. [Class notes; Donagi and Witten, Supermoduli space is not projected: Section 3.2 (pages 25-26)]

o 12/5/16: The supermoduli space: density of singular points. The moduli space of spin curves. The Kodaira-Spencer isomorphism for the ordinary moduli space. [Class notes; Donagi and Witten, Supermoduli space is not projected: Section 3.2 (pages 24-25)]

o 12/2/16: A primer on moduli spaces: automorphisms obstruct the existence of a fine moduli space; the idea of an algebraic (Artin) stack. [Class notes; Donagi and Witten, Supermoduli space is not projected: Section 3.2 (page 24)]

o 11/30/16: The uniqueness of an SRS structure over P1. A primer on moduli spaces: the moduli space as an object representing the functor of families of geometric objects; the universal family; the fine and coarse moduli space of algebraic curves. [Class notes; Manin, Topics in Noncommutative Geometry: Sections 2.2.1-4; Donagi and Witten, Supermoduli space is not projected: Section 3.2 (page 24)]

o 11/28/16: Extended Thanksgiving break: no class.

o 11/25/16: Thanksgiving Break: University closed.

o 11/23/16: Extended Thanksgiving break: no class.

o 11/21/16: Classification of SRS structures over a Riemann surface. [Class notes; Manin, Topics in Noncommutative Geometry: Sections 2.2.1-4]

o 11/18/16: A family of SRS structures on P1|1. Super Riemann surfaces and projective superspaces are split. [Class notes; Donagi and Witten, Supermoduli space is not projected: Section 3.1; Manin, Gauge Field Theory and Complex Geometry: Section 4.3.5]

o 11/16/16: General projective superspaces: the tautological line bundle and the tangent bundle. [Class notes; Manin, Gauge Field Theory and Complex Geometry: Sections 4.3.6 and 4.3.11]

o 11/14/16: Example of a super Riemann surface: projective superspace of dimenison 1|1. General projective superspaces: construction. [Class notes; Manin, Topics in Noncommutative Geometry: Section 2.1; Manin, Gauge Field Theory and Complex Geometry: Section 4.3.4]

o 11/11/16: Relation between points and divisors on a super Riemann surface (SRS). [Class notes; Donagi and Witten, Supermoduli space is not projected: Section 3.1]

o 11/9/16: The local structure of a maximally nonitegrable, odd distribution. Superconformal coordinates. [Class notes; Donagi and Witten, Supermoduli space is not projected: Section 3.1]

o 11/7/16: Super Riemann surfaces. Frobenius' theorem. Shander's theorem. [Class notes; Manin: Section 4.4; Donagi and Witten, Supermoduli space is not projected: Section 3.1]

o 11/4/16: A finite-dimensional version of the Faddeev-Popov procedure (proof). Further integration of the string theory Feynman integral along the group of diffeomorphisms of the Riemann surface: getting the Faddeev-Popov determinant. Integration along conformal transformations of the metric: the Liouville action and the critical dimension in string theory. [Class notes; E. D'Hoker, String Theory in Quantum Fields and Strings: A Course for Mathematicians, volume 2: Lecture 3]

o 11/2/16: Integration of the string theory Feynman integral along the space of maps from the surface to the Euclidean space-time: getting the determinant of the negative Laplace operator on the surface. A finite-dimensional version of the Faddeev-Popov procedure (formulation). [Class notes; E. D'Hoker, String Theory in Quantum Fields and Strings: A Course for Mathematicians, volume 2: Lecture 3]

o 10/31/16: Introduction to string theory: Gaussian integration. Relation to Riemann surfaces (complex curves). Plan for reducing the Feynman integral to the sum of integrals over the moduli spaces of complex curves. [Class notes]

o 10/28/16: Introduction to string theory: the Polyakov action and the Feynman integral. [Class notes; E. D'Hoker, String Theory in Quantum Fields and Strings: A Course for Mathematicians, volume 2: Lecture 1]

o 10/26/16: Left and right connections. Stokes' theorem on a supermanifold. [Class notes; Manin: 4.5.1-6; Deligne-Morgan: 3.12]

o 10/24/16: The complex of integral forms on a supermanifold. Stokes' theorem on a supermanifold. [Class notes; Deligne-Morgan: 3.12]

o 10/21/16: Integration on a general paracompact supermanifold. Differential forms on a manifold as Clifford modules. [Class notes; Varadarajan: 4.6, Deligne-Morgan: 3.12.1]

o 10/19/16: Change of variables in the integral: the general case. [Class notes; Varadarajan: 4.6]

o 10/17/16: The Berezin integral in a superdomain U ⊆ Rm|n. Change of variables: the purely odd case. [Class notes; Varadarajan: 4.6]

o 10/14/16: Internal Hom (R0|1, M) = ΠTM. Motivation for the Berezin integral: integration over R0|1. [Class notes; Deligne-Morgan: Section 2.8]

o 10/12/16: The functor of points. Yoneda's lemma. Representable functors. The moduli space of maps and the internal Hom. [Class notes; Deligne-Morgan: Section 2.8]

o 10/10/16: The sign rule for ZxZ2-graded objects and rectification of the homological interpretation of Ber(M) for a free R-module M. Differential forms. De Rham cohomology. [Class notes; Deligne-Morgan: Section 3.3; Manin: Sections 3.4.4-5]

o 10/7/16: Homological interpretation of the Berezinian of a module: the right Koszul complex. Superderivations and the tangent bundle. [Class notes; Deligne-Morgan: Sections 1.10-11, 3.2-3; Manin: Sections 3.4.6-7; Varadarajan: Section 4.4]

o 10/5/16: Homological interpretation of the Berezinian of a module: the left Koszul complex. Showing it gives a free resolution of R as a module over SR(M) for a free R-module M of a finite rank. [Class notes; Deligne-Morgan: Sections 1.10-11; Manin: Section 3.4.6]

o 10/3/16: The universal enveloping algebra. Superdeterminant (Berezinian). The Berezinian of a free module. [Class notes; Deligne-Morgan: Sections 1.3, 1.10(A,C), 1.11; Varadarajan: Sections 3.5-6; Manin: Section 3.3.7]

o 9/30/16: Superderivations. Super multilinear algebra. Supertrace. [Class notes; Varadarajan: Sections 3.5 and 3.1; Deligne-Morgan: Sections 1.3 and 1.6]

o 9/28/16: Correction: I have mistreated G1/G2 = Aut(V*). Super linear algebra. Lie superalgebras. [Class notes; Donagi and Witten, Supermoduli space is not projected: Section 2.2.1; Varadarajan: Sections 3.1, 3.7]

o 9/26/16: Obstructions to splitting: obstruction classes in cohomology. [Class notes; Donagi and Witten, Supermoduli space is not projected: Section 2.2.1; Manin: Section 4.2]

o 9/23/16: The vector bundle ("odd tangent bundle") corresponding to a supermanifold. Obstructions to splitting: description of geometric objects as nonabelian cohomology of degree one. [Class notes; Donagi and Witten, Supermoduli space is not projected: page 11; Manin: Section 4.2]

o 9/21/16: Complex projective superspace. Obstructions to splitting: complex and smooth supermanifolds are locally split. [Class notes; Varadarajan: Section 4.2; Manin: Section 4.3.4]

o 9/19/16: Examples: the de Rham algebra of a manifold; the split supermanifold S(M,V) associated with a vector bundle over a manifold. Applications to classical, nonsuper mathematics, such as Lie algebroids as integrable odd vector fields on supermanifolds S(M,V). [Class notes; Varadarajan: Section 4.2; Donagi and Witten, Supermoduli space is not projected: Section 2.1]

o 9/16/16: Common constructions for a superspace M: the sheaf JM of ideals, Mrd, Gr M. Split and projected supermanifolds. [Class notes; Manin: Section 4.1.3; Varadarajan: Section 4.2]

o 9/14/16: Local description of morphisms (proof). [Class notes; Manin: Proposition 4.1.8; Varadarajan: Theorem 4.3.1]

o 9/12/16: Three categories of superspaces: algebraic, analytic, and smooth. Local description of morphisms. [Class notes; Manin: Sections 4.1.1-2, 4.1.5, 4.1.7, Proposition 4.1.8; Varadarajan: Sections 4.2-3]

o 9/9/16: The categories of supercommutative rings and affine superschemes. The structure sheaf on Spec(R). The notions of a superspace and a superscheme. [Class notes; Manin: Sections 3.1.3, 4.1.1-2, 4.1.6]

o 9/7/16: Introduction. Superalgebra: supercommutative rings and algebras, examples, the symmetric monoidal category of super vector spaces, a supercommutative algebra as a commutative monoid therein. [Class notes; Manin: Sections 4.1.1-2, 4.1.5, 4.1.7, Proposition 4.1.8; Varadarajan: Sections 2.6, 3.1, 3.7]

Last modified: (2016-12-09 16:20:33 CST)