Math 8271: Class Outlines, Fall 2015

o 12/18/15, noon: No class, but homework is due in my mailbox. [Text: Sections 5.6-9; 6.1]

o 12/16/15: Corollaries: decomposition of a semisimple Lie algebra into the direct sum of simple ones; semisimplicity of quotients; the commutant; no outer derivations. [Text: Section 6.1]

o 12/14/15: The Killing form. Cartan's criteria for semisimplicity and solvability. The Jordan decomposition. [Text: Sections 5.8-9]

o 12/11/15: Reductivity criterion: proof. Semisimplicity of classical Lie algebras. [Text: Section 5.7]

o 12/9/15: Reductive Lie algebras. Invariant bilinear forms on a Lie algebra. Reductivity criterion: main lemma (Theorem 5.43). [Text: Sections 5.6-7 through the statement of Theorem 5.48]

o 12/7/15: Simple and semisimple Lie algebras. Example: sl(2). The Levi decomposition. [Text: Section 5.6 through 5.42]

o 12/4/15: Homework is due at the beginning of the class. Corollaries of Lie's theorem. The idea of proof of Engel's theorem. The radical and semisimple Lie algebras. [Text: Sections 5.2-5; 5.5 (5.32 and the proof of 5.34), 5.6 (5.35, 5.39)]

o 12/2/15: Lie's and Engel's theorems. [Text: Section 5.5, skipping 5.32 and the proof of 5.34]

o 11/30/15: More on solvable and nilpotent Lie algebras. Upper triangular matrices. [Text: Section 5.4]

o 11/27/15: Thanksgiving break. Use the Lie Theory homework (to be posted soon) as an excuse to leave that boring Thanksgiving dinner.

o 11/25/15: Corollaries of the PBW theorem. Ideals and the commutant. Solvable Lie algebras. Nilpotent Lie algebras. [Text: Sections 5.2-4 through 5.27]

o 11/23/15: The "computer science" proof of the PBW theorem. [Text: Section 5.2]

o 11/20/15: Homework is due at the beginning of the class. Discussion of homework. The idea of proof of the Poincaré-Birkhoff-Witt (PBW) theorem. [Text: Sections 4.7, 5.1; 5.2 through 5.11]

o 11/18/15: Representations of a Lie algebra g and its universal enveloping algebra Ug. The center of Ug. Example: the Casimir operator for so(3,R). The Poincaré-Birkhoff-Witt theorem (without proof so far). [Text: Sections 5.1 and 5.2]

o 11/16/15: Representations of S1 and Fourier series. The universal enveloping algebra: definition and construction. [Text: Sections 4.7 (the very end) and 5.1 through 5.4]

o 11/13/15: The Peter-Weyl theorem. [Text: Section 4.7 through Theorem 4.49 (the Peter-Weyl theorem)]

o 11/11/15: Characters: orthogonality. [Text: Section 4.7 through 4.46]

o 11/9/15: Matrix coefficients: orthogonality (proofs). [Text: Section 4.7 through the proofs of 4.41 and 4.42]

o 11/6/15: Homework is due at the beginning of the class. Discussion of homework: Problem F (the centers of Sp(n,K) and sp(n,K)). Matrix coefficients: orthogonality (main statements: 4.41 and 4.42). [Text: Sections 4.2-6; 4.7 through the statement of Lemma 4.42]

o 11/4/15: Haar measure for compact Lie groups and complete reducibility. [Text: Section 4.6]

o 11/2/15: Representations of finite groups. Haar measure for Lie groups. Volume forms for compact Lie groups. [Text: Sections 4.5-6 through Theorem 4.34(2)]

o 10/30/15: Application of Schur's lemma: centers of classical Lie groups and algebras. Irreducible representations of S1. Unitary representations. Complete reducibility. [Text: Sections 4.4-5 through Theorem 4.30]

o 10/28/15: Representations of R. Intertwining operators and Schur's lemma. Application: irreducible representations of abelian Lie groups and algebras. [Text: Sections 4.3-4]

o 10/26/15: Subrepresentations, direct sums, tensor products, duals, endomorphisms. Irreducibility. Complete reducibility. [Text: Sections 4.2.1-2, and 4.3 through p. 57]

o 10/23/15: Homework is due at the beginning of the class. Discussion of homework: Problem 3.12. [Text: Sections 3.2-5, 3.7-9, 4.1]

o 10/21/15: Ideals and normal subgroups. {Representations of G} = {Representations of Lie(G)}. Examples: SO(3,R) and SU(2). Complexification: sl(n,K) and su(n). [Text: Sections 3.4, 3.9, and 4.1]

o 10/19/15: Sketches of proofs of the existence of a Lie subgroup theorem and the fullness of the Lie functor theorem. [Text: Section 3.8]

o 10/16/15: Morphisms of Lie groups and Lie algebras. Lie subgroups and Lie subalgebras. Sketch of proof of Lie's Third Theorem. [Text: Section 3.8]

o 10/14/15: Two Lie brackets on vector fields on a manifold: through action on points and on functions. The Lie algebra of left-invariant vector fields. The Baker-Campbell-Hausdorff formula. [Text: Sections 3.5 and 3.7]

o 10/12/15: The commutator of vector fields. Note: we used a more common convention for the commutator of vector fields; under it, the commutator we defined on T1G corresponds to the commutator of left-invariant vector fields on G, contrary to Corollary 3.28 and Exercise 3.4. [Text: Section 3.5]

o 10/9/15: Homework is due at the beginning of the class. [x,y] and Ad(X) for matrix groups. Ad and ad. The Jacobi identity. Abstract Lie algebras. The happy end: a functor {Lie groups} → {Lie algebras} having a faithful restriction to the subcategory {Connected Lie groups}. [Text: Example 3.14 and Section 3.3]

o 10/7/15: Morphisms of Lie groups are determined by the differential maps at 1. The commutator and its properties. [Text: Prop. 3.9, Section 3.2]

o 10/5/15: Bootstrapping a locally defined one-parameter subgroup to a globally defined one: g(t) := g(t/n)n. The exponential and logarithmic maps for a general Lie group. Examples: U(1) and SO(3). [Text: Section 3.1 through the end, skipping Prop. 3.9]

o 10/2/15: Remarks on the topology of classical groups. One-parameter subgroups in a Lie group. [Text: Sections 2.7 through the end and 3.1 through Definition 3.2]

o 9/30/15: Classical groups. [Text: Section 2.7 through the proof of Theorem 2.30]

o 9/28/15: Recap on left-invariant vector fields. Classical groups. [Text: Sections 2.6 and 2.7 before Theorem 2.30]

o 9/25/15: Homework is due at the beginning of the class. Discussion of homework. Actions of a Lie group on itself. [Text: Sections 2.2-6]

o 9/23/15: Orbits and homogeneous spaces. [Text: Section 2.5]

o 9/21/15: Lie subgroups and homomorphism theorem. Actions and representations. [Text: Sections 2.3-4]

o 9/18/15: Cosets. [Text: Section 2.2 after Corollary 2.10]

o 9/16/15: Subgroups. Connected components and the universal cover. [Text: Section 2.2 through Corollary 2.10]

o 9/14/15: Introduction. Syllabus handed out. Lie groups: definitions and examples. [ Syllabus. Text (Kirillov): Section 2.2 through Example 2.5]

o 9/11/15: No class meeting: I am still out of town. [Read Section 2.1 of the text]

o 9/9/15: No class meeting: I am out of town. [Read Syllabus and Text (Kirillov): Chapter 1 (do not worry, this is just the introduction)]

Last modified: (2016-01-23 13:00:32 CST)