The equation of the Cayley surface

This page is dedicated in memory of my friend Sevín Recillas,
who got me interested in this surface.

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to the
of the implicit equation.
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The implicit equation and lines on the surface:
    The Cayley surface is most naturally defined as a surface in  P3  [projective 3-space].  Our pictures can only show part of a particular affine representative of the surface, i.e. where  R3  is identified with the complement of some plane in  P3.  There are several versions of the implicit equation of the Cayley surface, depending on a choice of coordinate system in  P3.  The simplest version of the implicit equation, given in terms of homogeneous coordinates  w,x,y,z,  is:
            wxy + wxz + wyz + xyz = 0.
We will call this version the standard equation.

    We find six lines on the Cayley surface by studying its intersections with the coordinate planes.  For instance, the intersection of the Cayley surface with the plane  w = 0  satisfies the equations  w = xyz = 0.  Therefore, this intersection is the union of the following three lines:
    Lwx (w = x = 0);    Lwy (w = y = 0);    Lwz (w = z = 0);
Similarly, if we study the intersections of the Cayley surface with the other coordinate planes, we find the previous lines again, along with the following additional lines:
    Lxy (x = y = 0);     Lxz (x = z = 0);     Lyz (y = z = 0).
These six lines can be viewed as the edges of the tetrahedron whose vertices are  (1:0:0:0), (0:1:0:0), (0:0:1:0)  and  (0:0:0:1);  this is sometimes called the "coordinate tetrahedron" in  P3.  {We will see later that these four vertices are the four nodes of the Cayley surface.}

    We find three additional lines on the Cayley surface by studying the intersection of the surface with the plane  w + x + y + z = 0.  Choosing two variables, for instance  w and x,  we can re-write the standard equation as follows:
            wx(y + z) + (w + x)yz = 0.
This makes it clear that the intersection of the Cayley surface with the plane  w + x + y + z = 0  contains the following line:
    L01 (w + x = y + z = 0).
(We could have plausibly called this line  L23  by choosing the variables  y and z  instead of  w and x.)  By choosing other pairs of variables, we find the following additional lines:
    L02 (w + y = x + z = 0);     L03 (w + z = x + y = 0).
Since the Cayley surface has degree = 3, these three lines must account for its entire intersection with the   w + x + y + z = 0. 

    We have now found 9 lines on the Cayley surface.  Click here to see an explanation of why there are no other lines on this surface.


The Java files used in this page were downloaded from the Geometry Center webpage.
I generated the geometric data for this figure in March 2009.
Updates completed on October 6, 2010.

Prof. Joel Roberts
School of Mathematics
University of Minnesota
Minneapolis, MN 55455

Office: 531 Vincent Hall
Phone: (612) 625-9135
Dept. FAX: (612) 626-2017